IBM Think Academy: Blockchain, How it works.

Understand how blockchain works is extremely important  At first Blockchain seemed to be about finance.  Now people are finding all different types of valuable uses for blockchain.

Need Training? AI, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT & Machine Learning.

Supply Chain and Blockchain Quotes

  • “An hour saved at the non-bottleneck is a mirage.”   ~ Eliyahu M. Goldratt, author of The Goal.
  • “Supply chains are everywhere. From the biggest company in the world to running your household. We all have supply chain experience even if we don’t know it.” ~
  • “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” ~ Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.
  • “Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of a job, blockchain puts Uber out of a job and lets the taxi drivers work with the customer directly.” ~Vitalik Buterin
  • “Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge themselves – and by which they are willing to be judged.” ~ Frederick W. Smith, founder of FedX.
  • “I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do. One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out.” ~ Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and a Supply Chain Innovator.
  • “We care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain… What we will not do – and never have done – is stand still or turn a blind eye to problems in our supply chain. On this you have my word. ~Tim Cook, CEO of Apple and Supply Chain Expert. 
  • “The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” ~ Sam Walton, founder and CEO of Walmart.
  • “A relentless barrage of “why’s” is the best way to prepare your mind to pierce the clouded veil of thinking caused by the status quo.  Use it often.”  ~ Shigeo Shingo.


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