Self-Driving vehicles will take jobs.

Self driving vehicles take jobs in the future.  Artificial intelligence is what makes self-driving vehicles possible.  More specifically, it is deep learning that makes autonomous vehicles possible.  Not too long ago most people thought driverless vehicles were something way into the future.  Well, the future is here.

If you are involved in the trucking industry there was a time you needed a driver but could not locate one.  There are also rules and regulations truck drivers need to follow.  Now imagine a driver that is always available and never gets tired.  Assets can be better utilized because rest is not needed by the drivers.  Safety is improved because the driver won’t get tired, sick or be texting while driving.  There are some people reading this saying that is great.  While others are reading this saying it will never happen.  Change is happening so don’t be left behind.  Don’t become a Blockbuster.  Here is a video about Uber greatly disrupting the taxi industry.

Uber and Lyft have created many new jobs and allowed people to be their own bosses.  Both Uber and Lyft are involved with self-driving vehicles.  Here is a three minute video about Uber buying a big rig company in self-driving tech push.  As self-driving vehicles become a normal site on the road, those same vehicles will most likely be replacing Uber and Lyft drivers.

“In the distant future, people may outlaw driving cars because it’s too dangerous. You can’t have a person driving a two-ton death machine.” ~Elon Musk

“Truck and bus drivers; Uber, Lyft and taxi drivers; self driving vehicles take those jobs”

Self-Driving vehicles supply chain

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