Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes.

Quick and easy way to understand blockchain.

A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed database that is used to record transactions in a secure and transparent manner. It consists of a chain of blocks, each of which contains a record of multiple transactions. The blocks are linked together in a chronological order, and once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be modified.

One of the key features of a blockchain is that it is decentralized, meaning that it is not controlled by a single entity such as a government or a corporation. Instead, it is maintained by a network of computers that work together to validate and record transactions. This decentralized nature makes it difficult for any single party to manipulate the data on the blockchain.

Another key feature of a blockchain is that it is transparent, meaning that all parties involved in a transaction can see the details of the transaction. This transparency can help build trust and reduce the risk of fraud or errors.

Blockchain technology is often associated with cryptocurrency transactions, but it has many other potential uses as well. For example, it can be used to create secure, transparent supply chain management systems, to verify the authenticity of documents, or to create secure voting systems.

Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way that transactions are recorded and tracked, improving security, transparency, and efficiency.

 What is Blockchain

Blockchain, supply chain and Logistics

Blockchain technology has the potential to significantly change the way that supply chain and logistics operations are managed. Here are a few ways in which blockchain could impact the supply chain and logistics industry:

  1. Improved traceability: One of the key features of a blockchain is that it is transparent, meaning that all parties involved in a transaction can see the details of the transaction. This transparency can help improve traceability in the supply chain, allowing companies to track the movement of goods from the point of origin to the point of sale.
  2. Reduced fraud and errors: The decentralized nature of a blockchain makes it difficult for any single party to manipulate the data on the blockchain. This can help reduce the risk of fraud or errors in the supply chain, improving the accuracy of records and increasing trust among parties.
  3. Increased efficiency: Blockchain technology can automate many of the processes involved in supply chain and logistics operations, reducing the need for manual record-keeping and reducing the risk of errors. This can help improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  4. Enhanced security: The use of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller written directly into lines of code, can help improve the security of supply chain and logistics operations. Smart contracts can be stored and replicated on the blockchain network, ensuring that they are secure and cannot be altered.

Overall, the use of blockchain technology in the supply chain and logistics industry has the potential to improve traceability, reduce fraud and errors, increase efficiency, and enhance security.

Supply Chain and Block Chain Training.

Digital Supply Chain and Blockchain Quotes.

  • “Here are a few key supply chain trends you may want to research: Internet of Things (IoT), 3D Pringing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Deep Learning and Drones.”
  • “I didn’t understand IoT, Big Data or Blockchain when I first heard these terms.  Learn about them or get left behind.”
  • “Listen to anyone with an original idea, no matter how absurd it may sound at first. If you put fences around people, you get sheep. Give people the room they need.” ~ William McKnight, 3M President
  • “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller
  • “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~ Albert Einstein
  • “Leaders win through logistics. Vision, sure. Strategy, yes. But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time. In other words, you must win through superior logistics.” ~ Tom Peters
  • “Think of a 3D printer as your TV. The same way your TV streams movies your 3D printer could download plans to make any product in your warehouse. Is the future of warehouses the same as video stores.”

“New ways to improve the suply chain: artificial intelligence, IoT, big data, augmented reality, blockchain, drones, machine learning.”


“Blockchain is a key technology in the digital supply chain.”

Blockchain quotes

“Be a supply chain innovator.  Research Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, Blockchain, Drones, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence…”

supply chain Blockchain

“The digital supply chain has the potential to completely change supply chain.  However, do your due diligence before rushing in.”

Block Chain


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