Testing Facebook Comments on Coronavirus and Supply Chain.

Supply Chain Today is testing out Facebook comments on our website.  At the bottom of the page you will see a place you can add comments if you have a Facebook account.  Will you please add some comments so we can test it out?  This would be very much appreciated.  To make it easier we added various questions below that you can answer in the Facebook comment section.

Since so many of us are being impacted by the coronavirus thought this would be a good discussion where people may want to add comments.  How has the coronavirus impacted supply chain?  What changes might be made to prepare for a future pandemics?  

What are your favorite quotes about the supply chain?  Here are some of ours:

“The supply chain stuff is really tricky.” ~Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX.

“Advances in automation, artificial intelligence and robotics, while increasing productivity, will also cause major upheavals to the workforce.” ~John Hickenlooper.

“What’s behind the driverless cars? Artificial Intelligence, or more specifically Deep Learning.” ~Dave Waters.

“Leader win through logistics.  Vision, sure. Strategy, yes.  But when you go to war, you need to have both toilet paper and bullets at the right place at the right time.  In other words, you must win through superior logistics.”  ~ Tom Peters

Below are links to supply chain training that people may find useful.  What resources would you recommend people to view?

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