Amazing Robots Performing Difficult Jobs.

Watch these robots perform difficult jobs that once were thought only humans could do.  Robots are becoming more and more complex making it easier for them to perform difficult jobs.  Integrate artificial intelligence with robotics and you have machinery that can replace humans.

Videos on Robots Performing a Variety of Difficult Jobs

Quotes on the Future of Robots

  • “Automation is no longer just a problem for those working in manufacturing. Physical labor was replaced by robots; mental labor is going to be replaced by AI and software.” ~Andrew Yang
  • “History is not going to look kindly on us if we just keep our head in the sand on armed autonomous robotics issue because it sounds too science fiction.” ~Peter Singer
  • “Robotics are beginning to cross that line from absolutely primitive motion to motion that resembles animal or human behavior.” ~J. J. Abrams
  • “Our research says that 50% of the activities that we pay people to do can be automated by adapting currently demonstrated technologies. We think it’ll take decades, but it will happen. So there is a role for business leaders to try to understand how to redeploy talent. It’s important to think about mass redeployment instead of mass unemployment. That’s the right problem to solve.”  ~Michael Chiu
  • “The way that the robotics market is going to grow, at least in the home, is that we’ll have a number of different special purpose robots.” ~Colin Angle
  • “I believe that robots should only have faces if they truly need them” ~Donald A. Norman
  • “The countries with the highest robot density, have among the lowest unemployment rates. Technology and humans combined in the right way will drive prosperity.”  ~Ulrich Spiesshofer
  • “By allowing algorithms to control a great deal of what we see and do online, such designers have allowed technology to become a kind of ‘digital Frankenstein,’ steering billions of people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.”  ~Tristan Harris

Robots Performing Difficult Jobs


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