Introduction to Forecasting in Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

The evolution of forecasting has taken a step function improvement by using machine learning and deep learning.  Forecasting is a critical component to success in many fields including manufacturing, supply chain and finance.  This is a great video to learn how companies like Uber are using forecasting to optimize their business.

ML and DL Quotes

  • The field of Artificial Intelligence is set to conquer most of the human disciplines; from art and literature to commerce and sociology; from computational biology and decision analysis to games and puzzles.” ~Anand Krish 
  • “Don’t let the digital supply chain scare you.  Big data, IoT, cloud, AI, drones and deep learning are just ways to improve the supply chain.”
  • “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” ~Charles Darwin
  • “An inventor is simply a person who doesn’t take his education too seriously. You see, from the time a person is six years old until he graduates from college he has to take three or four examinations a year. If he flunks once, he is out. But an inventor is almost always failing. He tries and fails maybe a thousand times. It he succeeds once then he’s in. These two things are diametrically opposite. We often say that the biggest job we have is to teach a newly hired employee how to fail intelligently. We have to train him to experiment over and over and to keep on trying and failing until he learns what will work.” ~ Charles Kettering
  • “A baby learns to crawl, walk and then run.  We are in the crawling stage when it comes to applying machine learning.” ~Dave Waters
  • “The future of the predictive supply chain: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning.”

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Training

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